Meaning of a Name

Maybe for you all the meaning of a name would not be so important and will not be questioned.

Examples like the following.
If you love a woman who truly becomes your dream.
And he also loved you and then he invites you to get married. And yes you are right to his
By having a very bad name.
Although no denying that the later in the invitation card you suppose it's name from Michael to marry each sis a bad name, it is not going to be a problem for you.

But the case is going to differ in the business world.
In the business world is very necessary and the name is a very vital.
The term of this name in the business world that often is called branding, brand or brands. With you have a brand, a good branding label whatever you do, talking about and all the actions you are going to trust people, companies or organizations.

Branding is like if you talk to A, then others will follow you speak A

The appeal of a person or company who already have the label branding, brand strength, although many new competitors are emerging and tried to shake it but the dominance he did not also falter or collapse.
However Brands you might have would be drowned and destroyed by time if initially good but over time more and more professionals are not in service and a decline in quality of goods or services you sell.
So how exactly building a brand or a brand that's strong?

1. Having an excellence and evidence of excellence you have there
2. All you have to build is community, friendship or a vast social network.
3. To strengthen the branding is that you have a ready market to buy or accept a product that you offer.
4. To reinforce your branding, then you should be sensitive to the products offered another person or another company that has a similar business with you.
5. To reinforce the branding and you have to actively look for information and a new innovation, if not then get ready you should replaced by a new company that has more new innovations in the business you're in. now.
6. To reinforce your branding, then you should continue to improve services to consumers
7. Last to reinforce your branding, then you try asking your opinions and suggestions and criticisms on consumers who already use your product.

Make your customers are your friends, your boyfriend or your parents. Do not assume they are just ordinary people
Appreciate them with the best. So what will happen to your customers is "Thank you, I will come again"

Hopefully this can benefit us all.
Success ....!!

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